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3/15/99: It is a good lesson in humility to try to translate from a 25-part orchestra score to piano score. Is there any source for scores adapted to the piano? I have been told that piano extracts are readily available for piano concertos. This apparently enables the solo pianist to have a full accompaniment from a second piano.

In the 19th century, there was a market for orchestral reductions to be played at the piano. These days, there is less demand for this sort of thing and the old ones are largely out of print. There is still a demand for reductions of concerti and vocal music (for rehearsing, for example) and, generally, the same publisher who publishes the full score will have piano reductions if any are available.

In an emergency, I would play from the full score, though that certainly requires skill. If you have need of scores that are not available, you will probably want to investigate music transcription software and MIDI instruments. I can not recommend anything specifically, because I do not prepare my own reductions.

©1999 by Joseph Rescigno. The text here may be freely reproduced for non-commercial purposes as long as credit is given.

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